Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This strange looking vehicle is The Pininfarina "X". It is a concept car circa 1960. It was shot at an "Auto Toy Store" through a window which explains the glare and less than great photo quality. The car featured a wheel in the front and back for steering and two wheels in the middle for power achieving good performance and, for the time period, good milage. The engine had 43 H.P. in a 4-cylinder, 1.1 litre engine. The car never made it into production. While the aerodynamics are interesting, the bumpers and other safety features left much to be desired. For those old enough to remember, it looks like something out of THE JETSON'S.


  1. Weird car, I've seen around small cars, here and then, with not much more than those bumpers...
    I'm old enough, so I remember the Jetsons (in Italian: I Pronipoti) and this is an almost perfect match for something seen there.

  2. This is a great reminder that everyday we make choices that lead us down alternate routes and blind alleys. We have as much chance of making a good choice as a bad one. Perhaps if we had followed the road to fuel efficiency and aerodynamic design that this little Pininfarina was nudging toward we wouldn't be in the fix we're in today.

  3. A Jetson's mobile indeed! Fun snap! Cooooooool!

  4. As soon as I saw it, I thought of the Jetsons!

  5. Yep, I too thought of the Jetson's. There are, or were, 3 wheeler cars in England in the 60's I believe.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  6. I don't remember this thing, but my mother won a funny little 3-wheel car in a contest back in the 60s...she sold it, much to my dismay.

    But the big question is: How are you doing? Hopefully, all is well! Best wishes, my friend!

  7. It almost looks like it could float like a boat! Very cool!

  8. You mean this ISN'T the Jetson's car?!?!

  9. (I mean a spin, LOL! I don't need a spacial car to sin.)

  10. Fabulous .. the other morning on GMA they were talking about what 'we' all thought things in the year 2010 would look like .. boy did we ever have great imaginations or lousy follow up/through

  11. I surely remember The Jetsons, but this strange and cool car is totally new to me! :-)

  12. I like its design, very spacey! :)
    God bless you!

  13. It's especially interesting when compared to other cars of the same era, the gigantic, massive cars with their fins and chrome! (Maybe they have one of those, too in the 'auto toy store'!)
    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  14. It looks "futuristic" even though it's 2/3 as old as I am. Isn't it weird that something from the 60s still looks like "the future"? What were we all thinking?

  15. P.S. I love brattcat's take on this.

  16. Looks weird and I'm not surprised it never caught on. :-)

  17. It does look a little like the Jetson's car, except I think their car could fly:)

  18. If that's possible, it looks outdated and futuristic at the same time :)

  19. I love the concept cars! How much fun the engineers must have in designing them.
