Monday, February 15, 2010


This blog has the reputation of looking behind bushes and under rocks in order to bring you the things that make this city unique. Every city has them, we just seem to have more than most. At any rate, my back was bothering me from all that stooping. So I decided to look up for a change to try and get the kinks out. Low and behold, I discovered a whole new cache of material. There seems to be a panoply of things people adorn their roofs with. This week, I will be focusing on wind vanes. They some times go by other names but we won't elaborate. This home is probably not inhabited by a dog fancier. On the bright side, I didn't see any mice about. And there is no truth to the rumor it was modeled after Luna, Cezar and Leia's very talented feline. Although, I can't be sure.


  1. Speaking of getting the kinks out - how's the knee?

  2. A very good catch: that cat is pointing west and looks quite excited...

  3. That kitty's headed west under sunny skies. Oh, I am so tired of snow....

    Waiting to see more whatever-you-want-to-call-them vanes.

  4. he smelled all those fish you have been showing!

  5. Thats a different one. I like the clear sky in the background. Its been a while since we had that.

  6. lovely capture and excellent commentary!

  7. Ah, I like the way these homeowners think.

  8. Wind vanes are something I have yet to see here. Sad, because I really like them.

  9. Too funny. We have one on a shed in the horses pasture. A horse, of course. MB

  10. I think that could be Luna! She is a very well traveled cat.

  11. Meow! I would say more, but I don't want to be "catty."

    By the by, the Ocala photo posted today was taken in mid-December...

  12. I love weather vanes, especially the ones wiht animals on them.

  13. Hey, I need one of those! We have lots of wind here. You've given me a good idea!

  14. Funny! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for this week.

  15. well, what'd she say her name was? or was she focused on the balance beam walk there on the steel vane? Heheheee

  16. Cute (and funny!) never saw one like that before!

  17. I'd prefer a cat on the roof to one in the house!

  18. Hello dear friend!
    What a nice surprise, this post is really cute!
    Please forgive our delay comment, just we came today from our trip.
    Your idea about this post is amazing!Paws up!!! :)
    For sure I would love to have something like that in our roof!Cool!
    Also loved the wonderfulllllllll blue sky!You are so lucky to live in such a nice place. I will enjoy more from your posts!
    Thanks!You are so kind!
