Saturday, June 6, 2009


At first glance, there is nothing out of the ordinary in this photo. Think back to those days of yesterday year when you were some where between the ages of 13 to 18. No bikes in the bike rack;no school busses in the roundabout; and, most importantly, the gates were locked. That's right, SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! Can't you just hear those lyrics from Twisted Sister or if you are of my generation, The Animals. Almost better than Christmas. Ah, Summer!


  1. All I can remember of an old song is 'no more teachers dirty looks'. LOL
    Every school district out here lets the kids out on a different day. You'd think they could coordinate it a little better. Kylee's school is out on the 17th.

    I remembered more--'no more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks'---that is from the olden days way before my time too. MB

  2. Funny idea!School holidays always produced fond memories!
    Have a nice weekend in this lovely and warm place!
    Here in South Brazil it is getting really freezing in this Autumn!

  3. Wow, that's early! Good idea for a post!

  4. Have a great time in Michigan. I'm sure it will be a huge relief to get away from the heat. Will you be posting from there?

  5. Actually, I think back to my teaching days, when all the little rascals ran out the door not to be seen for 2 1/2 months! You cannot imagine the sense of freedom and the elation that engendered!

    I loved teaching, but it is very intensive...a teacher can't leave the students for a second - not even for a bathroom emergency...we did get a lunch break, but I used that to clean the room, reset the chairs and prepare for the bunch coming in next.

    So, summer break was an unprecedented breath of freedom as well as fresh air!

  6. Twisted Sister? Nope I think of Alice Cooper singing "School's out for summer". Ironically Alice was big when I started Kindergarten and T.S. was big when I was at the end of High School.

  7. In the old times, I can safely say in another century, we'd have got a three month holiday just in this period. No school 'til October 1st then!

  8. Oops, hehe, and ours has just begun! Hope the kids there all enjoy their summer break!

  9. Because of snow days, we're at it until June 24th. I only work at the school 3 days a week, but I have to admit that I have been counting the days until I'm free!! It's funny how your perspective changes depending upon whether you are a parent or a teacher.

  10. Uh huh. That school yard is as vacant as «Louis's» mind...

  11. I guess we all can reminise with the old ditty, "School's out, School's out..." I like the curved fence. Nice job.
