Monday, April 27, 2009


Do you ever pass a storefront and come away somewhat quizzical. That happens to me everytime I pass this particular establishment. It looks like it could be from a cheap spy movie. I can only assume it was left from the prior tenant. Now I wonder what he sold?


  1. Maybe it was a Temple or a restaurant. Or???

  2. Looks like the kind of place where decisions are made which remain to be regretted decades later.

  3. I liked these buddha sculptures!
    But now they finished the spy movie and this place will be used for another scenery, maybe a comedy.
    Léia :-)

  4. Funny! He sold statues of Buddha?

  5. great capture and good eye. so unique. Thanks for your comments about the Frank Lloyd Wright Series. I was hoping it would be of interest to people. I have a few more days and then I will move on to different Chihuly, cactus and desert photos. I was in Morocco for the past two weeks so I wanted to make sure there was a series of something that would be informative and different for people to enjoy while I was away. Morocco was very interesting and, surprisingly, very French. A very different experience than Egypt or Jordan. It was a quite enjoyable trip. I will spend the next week catching up on everyone's websites and enjoying their photos. Thanks for your comments on my site. I have read them all.

  6. I too love to spot a place like this that so many people just pass by and ignore without a thought. Love it. (Da plane is a great reference. This place is certainly a fantasy?!)

  7. This post reminded me of something I saw on "The Simpsons". There was a CD shop called "Suicide notes (formerly Good Vibrations)".
